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Full Stack Development Roadmap for Beginners

Written by :
Shiv Raj Bhagat


This guide provides a structured learning path divided into 7 major milestones. Each milestone builds upon previous knowledge while introducing new concepts and technologies.

Milestone 1: GitHub

Basic Git Operations

  1. Clone: Learn how to clone repositories from GitHub to your local machine.
  2. Push: Understand how to push changes from your local repository to the remote GitHub repository.
  3. Pull: Learn how to pull the latest changes from the remote repository.
  4. PR (Pull Request): Practice creating pull requests to contribute changes to a repository.

Advanced Git Concepts

  1. Stash: Learn how to save work-in-progress changes temporarily using git stash.
  2. Squash: Understand how to squash commits by combining multiple commit messages into one.
  3. Cherry-pick: Learn how to apply a specific commit from one branch to another.
  4. Merge/Rebase: Master the differences between merging and rebasing in Git.
  5. Conflict Resolution: Learn how to resolve merge conflicts.
  6. Fork & PR: Practice forking a repository and creating pull requests to contribute to open-source projects.

To learn more, visit this link:

Milestone 2: Tailwind/Flowrite/Tailwind UI

Tailwind CSS (Practice assignments)

  1. A1 - Grid & Flex Layout: Learn how to create responsive grid and flex layouts using Tailwind CSS.
  2. A2 - Tables: Understand how to style tables effectively with Tailwind CSS.
  3. A3 - Dropdown, Search, Checkbox: Create and style dropdowns, search inputs, and checkboxes using Tailwind CSS.
  4. A4 - Navigation Bars (Side, Top, Responsive): Design and implement navigation bars in different styles (side, top) and make them responsive.
  5. A5 - Modal (Form, Confirmation): Learn how to create modal dialogs for forms and confirmation prompts.
  6. A6 - Form Errors (Alert, Pop-Up, Text Input): Handle and display form validation errors using alerts, pop-ups, and styled text inputs.
  7. A7 - Rich Text: Work on creating and styling rich text editors.

Visit the following resources to learn more: Tailwind Website

Milestone 3: React

React Fundamentals

  1. Basic React Concepts: Get familiar with the foundational concepts of React (components, JSX, state, props).
  2. Formik: Learn how to manage forms in React using Formik.
  3. React-Query: Understand how to manage server-state using React-Query.
  4. Redux: Dive into state management in React applications using Redux.
  5. Tailwind + Flowbite + React Components: Learn how to integrate Tailwind and Flowbite with React components.
  6. Architecture: Understand how to structure and architect React applications.
  7. JSON & Fetch: Practice fetching data from APIs and working with JSON in React applications.

You can use our React roadmap to learn more: React Roadmap

Milestone 4: Next.js

  1. TypeScript: Get familiar with TypeScript and how to integrate it into your Next.js applications.
  2. Explore Next.js: Study topics related to Next.js on the official website and in the documentation.
  3. Vercel: Learn how to deploy applications using Vercel, the platform designed for Next.js. These topics are must which one should be covered:

Visit the following resources to learn more: Next

Milestone 5: SQL

Core SQL Concepts

  1. Create Table: Learn how to define and create new tables in a database.
  2. Drop-Table: Understand how to remove tables from a database.
  3. Add, Update, Delete: Practice basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in SQL.
  4. Search: Learn how to perform queries to search for data within tables.
  5. Joins: Master different types of joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT) to retrieve data from multiple related tables.
  6. Constraints

You can visit our Relational Roadmap to learn more: Roadmap

Milestone 6: Nest.js

Nest.js with Databases

  1. Introductions
  2. Learn the architecture of the NestJs.
  3. Rest API concepts.
  4. Use the boilerplate from Brocoders to learn the following things:
  5. TypeORM & Prisma ORM: Understand how to integrate and work with TypeORM and Prisma ORM to manage database connections, models, and queries within Nest.js applications.

Milestone 7: Advanced Backend Concepts

User Authentication and Settings

  1. Login/Signup: Implement secure login and signup functionality in backend applications.
  2. Settings (CORS): Learn how to configure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for backend applications.

Additional Backend Tools and Services

  1. Swagger: Implement Swagger to document APIs for backend applications.
  2. Postman: Use Postman to test APIs and create test cases for backend services.
  3. ENV: Learn how to use environment variables to securely store configuration data (like API keys and database credentials).
  4. Deploy: Understand how to deploy backend applications to production environments (e.g., using cloud platforms like Vercel, AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean).
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